Publié le par Yama no Kami Nobusada

Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu


Video demonstration on YOUTUBE


Master of Founder of Takeda Shin Bu Kan
YAMASHIBU Yoshizaku sensei
8th dan Kendo 8th dan Iaido Hanshi

History and Lineage of MJER

(The following was compiled from various sources. Many details are not clear and some are disputed, so this can only be a guide to the history of MJER.)

The Meaning of the Ryu’s Name リュウの名前の意味

It has been said that the term “tenka muso,” (“no equal under heaven,”) was granted to the ryu’s founder, Hayashizaki Jinsuke Minamoto Shigenobu, by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, upon a demonstrated of his art before this regent. The art Hayashizaki founded between 1601 and 1615 was named Shinmei Muso Ryu Batto Jutsu, and was also known as Shin Muso Hayashizaki Ryu.

言いましたその学期「tenkaミュージシャン」‖(「天国の下の同等でない」)、トヨトミ秀吉によって、ryuの創設者(ハヤシザキジンスケミナモトシゲノブ)に与えましたに示しますこの摂政の前の彼の芸術の。1601~1615年に創立される芸術ハヤシザキは、シンメイムソウリュウBatto Jutsuという名前をつけられて、Shin Muso Hayashizaki Ryuとしても知られていました。

The current name of the style, Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaijutsu, translates as “the peerless/without equal, direct transmission, Eishin style Sword Art”. ‘Muso’ refers to the ‘peerless’ title acquired by Hayashizaki (‘muso’ means without equal), Jikiden means ‘direct transmission’ (from master to student, and from Hayashizaki Jinsuke until today), ‘Eishin’ comes from the name of the seventh master of the style, Hasegawa Chikaranosuke Eishin (the master who codified the system and who left for us much of the curriculum as we know it today), ‘Ryu’ means a style or tradition, and ‘Iaijutsu’ refers to the sword art itself. The last word requires a little extra comment. Iai breaks down into two parts, ‘i’ and ‘ai’. ‘I’ (pronounced ‘ee’) refers to all the influences affecting someone, to the immediate features and facts of any given situation, both internal and external, to existence itself, and ‘ai’ is a meeting or coming together. So ‘iai’ is really a very esoteric phrase, and implies the unifying of mind, body, spirit, technique, awareness, etc. In a sword drawing context this bringing together of technique, awareness, external factors such as the enemy and environment, and the swordsman’s mind and spirit is applied to each waza. It may be easily seen how such practice can have a positive spiritual benefit for practitioners, and indeed Hayashizaki himself is reputed to have considered his swordsmanship as a vehicle to more than just physical prowess.

スタイル(ムソウ直伝エイシンリュウIaijutsu)の現在の名前は、「peerless/without同等、正透過、エイシンスタイルのSword Art」と訳せます。『ムソウ』はハヤシザキ(同等のない『ミュージシャン』手段)によって得られる『比類のない』タイトルに言及します、直伝は『正透過』(支配者から学生まで、そして、ハヤシザキジンスケから今日まで)を意味します、『エイシン』はスタイルの7人目の達人の名前から来ます、ハセガワ Chikaranosukeエイシン(システムを体系化した、そして、我々が今日それを知っているように、非常にカリキュラムの我々に出発したマスター)、『リュウ』はスタイルまたは伝統を意味します、そして、『Iaijutsu』は剣芸術そのものに言及します。最後の語は、少し余分のコメントを必要とします。Iaiは、2つの部品、『i』と『ミツユビナマケモノ』に分解されます。『私』 (発音する『小である』)存在自体と『ミツユビナマケモノ』への所定の状況(両方とも内外の)が会議または一緒に来ることであるという即座の特徴と何の事実にでも、誰かに影響を及ぼしているすべての影響に言及します。それで、『iai』は本当に非常に難解なフレーズで、心、体、勇気、テクニック、認識、その他を統一することを意味します。前後関係を引き出している剣で、このテクニック、認識、敵と環境のような外部の要因と剣士の心と勇気の一緒に持ってくることは、各々のwazaに適用されます。そのような実行にはどのように開業医のために陽精神的な利益があることができるかは簡単に見られるかもしれません、そして、本当に、ハヤシザキ自身は彼の剣術をちょうど身体的な才能より多くのものへの車両と思ったと考えられます。

Origins and Lineage 起源と血統

Hayashizaki, who lived through the Momoyama period when the three unifiers, Oda, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu conquered Japan, is the man widely credited with the origination of the sword drawing arts, although as facts are rare he may in fact have been the first great practitioner and revolutioniser of an emerging combat art form – more than two hundred styles were to emerge from his original inspiration and skill. Although the originator of the root style that became MJER, and a number of other styles, he is a relatively mysterious figure. Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigenobu is usually said to have come from Sagami Province (Kanagawa today), which is supported by a number of researchers, although other origins are also promoted by some. [The Uno Mataji Sensei Den: Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Iai states that he came from the Okushu region (the location is currently in Hayashizaki district, Murayama City, Yamagata Prefecture) in northern Japan, whereas the Bugei Ryuha Daijiten says that Jinsuke's family was from Ohbayashiyama in Yamato Province, and were descended from the priest Ikebo.]

ハヤシザキ、3つの統一するもの、小田、秀吉と家康が日本を征服したとき、誰がモモヤマ期間を乗り切りましたか、広く剣の開始を持っていると信じられる男が、芸術を描きます、事実として‖珍しいです彼が、実際新生の戦闘芸術形式の初の偉大な開業医と革命家であったかもしれません – 200以上のスタイルは、彼の独創的なインスピレーションと技術から出てくることになっていました。MJERといくつかの他になった根本のスタイルの発信者がスタイルを整えるが、彼は比較的不可解な人物です。他の起源がいくつかによっても進められるが、ハヤシザキジンスケシゲノブは通常、相模省(今日の神奈川)(それは何人かの研究者で支えられます)出身だったと言われています。[ ウノマタジ先生巣:ムソウ直伝エイシン-ryu Iaiは、彼が北日本のOkushu地域(場所は、現在ハヤシザキ地区、村山市、山形県にあります)から来たと述べます、ところが、 Bugei Ryuha Daijitenは、ジンスケの家族が大和省にOhbayashiyamaからあって、聖職者Ikeboの系統を引いたと言います。]

Hayashizaki said to have traveled to Oshu in modern day Yamagata, where he is believed to have received divine inspiration about iai, particularly the use of a longish sword and handle, after undergoing ritual austerities and training for 100 days at Hayashizaki Myojin shrine in Okura. The Godaiki claims that the deity at the shrine was a manifestation of the god of Kashima. The Kashima shrine, along with the Katori shrine, were considered in the most ancient of days as sites for patron deities of northern warriors on their way to subdue northern tribes and rebellions. Hayashizaki Jinsuke, who renamed himself after the profound experience, received inspiration in a vision about his sword, and called it muso ken ("sword inspired by a vision"); which is why the name of his style soon became known as the Muso Hayashizaki Ryu.

ハヤシザキは現代の日山形にOshuに旅行したために言いました、そこで、彼は奥浦のハヤシザキミョウジン聖地で100日の間儀式厳粛とトレーニングを経た後にiai(特にやや長い剣とハンドルの使用)について神のインスピレーションを受けたと思われています。 Godaiki 聖地の神が鹿島の神の現れであったという主張。鹿島聖地は、香取聖地に加えて、日で最も古代のもので、北の種族を鎮圧する途中の北の戦士の後援者神の場所と反乱と思われました。ハヤシザキジンスケ(その人は深い経験の後、彼自身の名前を変えました)は、彼の剣について展望でインスピレーションを受けて、それを呼びましたミュージシャン限界(「展望の影響を受ける剣」);そしてそれは彼のスタイルの名前がすぐにムソウハヤシザキリュウとして知られていた理由です。

Popular legends abound about Hayashizaki 's family origins and later personal history, although many of these are obscure and/or unverifiable. One popular myth is that while still a young man his father was killed by another samurai, who fled the province he was living in. Hayashizaki then devoted himself to avenging his father's death, training incessantly as a youth, until his training culminated in a vision at the Hayashizaki Myojin shrine. He then fulfilled his vendetta by killing his father's murderer in the streets of Kyoto. It's a colorful story, but one that most Japanese researchers discount as legend.


Hayashizaki lived in Bushu (modern day Saitaima) for 18 years, during which time he also performed austerities at the Hikawa shrine for several years. He is said to have traveled around the country after perfecting his style, and his students therefore are from different regions of Japan. Many of them started their own systems, which is why he is considered not so much as the "father" of all iai, but the person who most popularized this art and was the proselytizer and inspiration for a great many current iai systems. No one knows what became of Hayashizaki, and he seems to have disappeared into the remote provinces.


Hasegawa Chikaranosuke Eishin (Hidenobu) learnt the style between 1716 and 1735, in Edo (Tokyo). He is reputed to have been the equal of Hayashizaki in the sword skills, and he has left a huge mark on Japanese swordsmanship in general, and MJER in particular. He is said to have been the 19th headmaster of a school called Muso Jikiden Ryu, which included the sword arts, other weapons and yawara or jujutsu. Whatever his actual relationship to Muso Jikiden ryu, he was inspired by it to rename his sword drawing art Muso Jikden Eishin Ryu. Whether accurate or not, it is said that his art became popular during his lifetime in Tosa, his place of birth. ハセガワ江戸(東京)では、Chikaranosuke

エイシン(ヒデノブ)は、1716~1735年にスタイルを学びました。彼は剣技術のハヤシザキと同等の物であったと考えられます、そして、彼は大方の日本の剣術の巨大な印とMJER特にを去りました。彼はムソウ直伝リュウと呼ばれている学校の第19代校長であったと言われています。そして、それは剣芸術、他の武器とyawaraまたは柔術を含みました。ムソウ直伝ryuとの彼の実際の関係がどうであれ、彼は芸術ムソウJikdenエイシンリュウを引いている彼の剣の名前を変えるために、それの影響を受けました。正確であるにせよ、彼の芸術が土佐(彼の出身地)で彼の生涯の間、人気があるようになったと言われます。 In the late 1600s, Hayashi Rokutayu Morimasa, the ninth headmaster of the school, took the art from Edo to Tosa prefecture in Shikoku, where it was well received by the goshi, country warriors. The Tosa goshi, with the support of the Lords of Tosa, maintained the art in a vigorous and practical form until it again was returned to the mainland in the late 19th and early 20th century. 1600年代後期に、ハヤシRokutayuモリマサ(学校の第9代校長)は四国でエドから土佐県まで芸術をとりました、そこで、それはgoshi(田舎の戦士)によって好評でした。土佐goshi、支持での それが第19と20世紀前半後期に再び本土に戻されるまで、土佐の上院は活発で実用的な形で芸術を維持しました。

One of the influences on Morimasa had been Omori Rokurozaemon Masamitsu, a student said to have been expelled from the school by Eishin. Omori was a student of Ogasawara Buke Reiho, or etiquette, as well as the Yagyu Shinkage school of sword. The Shinkage Ryu had a set of five Iai techniques called the Saya no Uchi Batto Gohan. Masamitsu developed a set of techniques, later called Omori Ryu, which were initiated from the formal seated posture called seiza. For this innovation (and probably an apology) Eishin re-admitted him to the school. On the death of the 11th headmaster, Oguro Motoemon Kiyokatsu, the school’s succession fell into dispute, and two branches emerged, the Shimomura-ha and the Tanimura-ha, named after the 14th and 15th headmasters respectively of each line. Shimomura was a prestigious warrior of the classical type, while Tanimura was a goshi of Tosa, famous for his bajutsu (horsemanship). Shimomura-ha eventually led to the development, through the auspices of Nakayama Hakudo, of Muso Shinden Ryu, a closely related style to MJER, which is the style brought to the present via the Tanimura-ha.

モリマサに対する影響のうちの1つは大森ロクロウザエモンマサミツでした。そして、学生がエイシンによって学校から放校されたと言われていました。大森は、小笠原Bukeレイホまたはエチケット(剣のヤギュウShinkage学校と同様に)の学生でした。Shinkageリュウは、一組の5つのIai技術を SayaなしウチBatto Gohanと言っておきました。マサミツは一組の技術を開発しました。そして、後で大森リュウと呼ばれていました。そして、それはseizaと呼ばれている形式的着席する姿勢から始められました。この革新(そして、おそらく謝罪)のために、エイシンは学校に彼をre-admittedしました。第11代校長(オオグロモトエモンキヨカツ)の死に際して、学校の継承は論争を始めました、そして、2つの枝(Shimomura-haとTanimura-ha)は出てきました。そして、第14とそれぞれ各々の線の第15代校長の名をとって名づけられました。タニムラがgoshiである間、シモムラは古典的なタイプの評判が高い戦士でした 土佐(彼のbajutsu(馬術)で有名な)の。Shimomura-haは結局、ナカヤマ白銅の援助を通して、ムソウシンデンリュウ(MJERへの密接に関連したスタイル)の成長に至りました。そして、それはタニムラ-ha.を通して現在に持ってこられるスタイルです。

The 17th headmaster, Oe Masamichi Shikei formalized the use of the name Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu, and also incorporated the 11 Omori Ryu techniques into the curriculum. Thus to the original tate-hiza and standing techniques a set of seiza waza were added. Oe Masamichi codified the style into Shoden, the seiza techniques, Chuden, the tatehiza techniques, and Okuden, with its two parts, suwari-waza and tachiwaza. These sets of techniques, along with the Tachiuchi set and assorted other leftover katas, make over a hundred techniques.

第17 代校長、麻植マサミチシケイ 名前ムソウ直伝エイシンリュウの利用を正式のものにして、そのうえ、カリキュラムへの11の大森リュウ技術を取り入れました。このように 原物のtateなhizaと立ち技にとって、一組のseiza wazaは加えられました。その2つの部品、suwari-wazaとtachiwazaで、麻植マサミチは、ショウデン、seiza技術、中電、 tatehiza技術とOkudenにスタイルを体系化しました。技術のこれらのセットは、太刀打セットと多彩な他の残ったkatasとともに、100以上の技術を行います。

The succession of the style again fell into dispute after Oe Masamichi, with three branches descending from those who could make claim to be the 18th headmaster, all men of Tosa. The branch now headed by Sekiguchi Komei Soke is known as the Yamauchi-ha, after Yamauchi Toyotake, the 18th headmaster after Oe Masamichi as recognized by this line.

第18 代校長(土佐のすべての男性)である主張を作ることができた人々から降りている3つの枝で、スタイルの継承は、麻植マサミチの後で再び論争を始めました。後に、現在セキグチ公明Sokeによって先頭にたたれる枝は、Yamauchi-haとして知られています ヤマウチトヨタケ、この線で認められて麻植マサミチの後の第18代校長。

Lineage of MJER
MJERの血統 1.

Founder: Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigenobu: Muso Hayashizaki-ryu
1. 創設者:ハヤシザキジンスケシゲノブ:ムソウハヤシザキ-ryu
2. Tamiya Heibei Shigemasa (founder of the Tamiya-ryu))
2.田宮ヘイベイシゲマサ (創設者田宮-ryu))の
3. Nagano Muraku Nyudo Kinrosai (founder of Muraku Ryu)
4. Momo Gunbei Mitsushige
5. Arikawa Shozaemon Munetsugu
6. Banno Danemon no Jo Nobusada
7. Hasegawa Chikaranosuke Eishin
8. Arai Seitetsu Kiyonobu
9. Hayashi Rokudayu Morimasa
10. Hayashi Yasudayu Seisho
11. Oguro Motoemon Kiyokatsu

Tanimura Ha タニムラは

    (From the 12th generation, the system divides into two related styles, the Tanimura-ha ("ha" means "faction") and the Shimomura-ha. The Tanimura-ha eventually develops into the Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu, while the Shimomura-ha becomes the Muso Shinden-ryu.)
    12 回目の生成から、システムは2つの関連したスタイル、Tanimura-ha(「は」、手段「内紛」)とシモムラ-ha.に分かれます。 Shimomura-haがムソウシンデン-ryuになる間、


12. Hayashi Masu (Masa) no Jo Masanari (Seishi)
12. ジョーマサナリハヤシマス(マーシャ)なし(セイシ)
13. Yoda (Manzai, Manzo, Sansho) Yorikatsu
14. Hayashi Yadayu (Seiki) Masayori (Masataka)
15. Tanimura Kame no Jo Yorikatsu (Sugio)
16. Goto Magobei Masasuke (Seiryo)
17. Oe Masamichi (Shikei)

Yamauchi Ha ヤマウチは

(Three branches appear from this time, the Yamauchi, Hokiyama and Masaoka lines, apparently as Oe Masamichi did not explicitly appoint a successor. The line leading to Sekiguchi Komei is given below.) (明らかに麻植マサミチが後継者をはっきりと任命しなかったので、3つの枝はこの時、ヤマウチ、ホキヤマとマサオカ線から現れます。セキグチ公明につながっている台詞は、下でされます。)
18. Yamauchi Toyotake ヤマウチトヨタケ
19. Kono Kanemitsu
20. Onoe Masamitsu
21. Sekiguchi Takaaki (Komei) Soke

Publié dans Arts Martiaux

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