甘利虎泰 Amari Torayasu  1498-1548

Publié le par Yama no Kami Nobusada

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信虎・信玄二代に仕えた譜代の属将 板垣信方とともに「職」(家老)を務めていた

Amari "Bizen no kami" Torayasu served the Takeda clan, under Takeda Nobutora and Shingen. Amari was a shukurō, or clan elder, following Shingen's accession to family headship,
and was one of Takeda Shingen's twenty-four generals.

He was killed in action at the battle of Uedahara in 1548, together with Itagaki Nobukata.
The two were fighting side by side on the frontlines when suddenly a volley of arrows shot them down.

Amari was succeeded by his son Amari Masatada.

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