小山田信茂 Oyamada Nobushige 1539-1582

Publié le par Yama no Kami Nobusada

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小山田家は関東平氏。信有の嫡男に 生まれた。信玄・勝頼二代に仕えた部将である。合戦の談合7人衆に加わり能筆家として信玄に信望厚く、七書五経の写しを信茂に托していた。 天正10(1582)年3月、勝頼主従のぐんない入国を阻み、織田方の郡内進攻を防いで領民を兵火から守った。

Oyamada "Sayô no jô" Nobushige was the son of Oyamada Nobunari (d.1552). He served Shingen well and fought in a number of his battles, including 4th Kawanakajima (1561), Takiyama (1569), and Mikatagahara (1573). Lord of Iwadono castle.
Although a distinguished general, Nobushige abandoned Takeda Katsuyori in 1582 when the latter was pressed by an invasion by Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu.
He was criticized by Oda Nobunaga for his treachery and so he was executed by Oda Nobunaga's officer Horio Yoshiharu


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